Country: US
Most Common: US/Europe
Rarity (Euro): uncommon
Year: 1991
Comment: Introduced in October 1991, the Classic II was both an upgraded Classic and a replacement for the venerable SE/30. Based on a modified LC motherboard, the Classic II shares a 16-bit data path and a RAM ceiling of 10 MB (the Classic II tests at about 60% the performance of the SE/30, even though both use the same 16 MHz 68030 CPU). These shortcomings, plus the lack of an expansion slot, made it a poor replacement for the SE/30 and deserving of the Road Apple label. The Classic II was the last Mac to use a 9" b&w screen. [lowendmac]
CPU: Motorola MC 68030
RAM / ROM: 4096 kB / 1024 kB
Colors: 256
References: [Apple History], [LowendMac],
8Bit-Museum: [Company History], [Models]
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